I had the pleasure to work with St. Johns Regional Audubon, a non-profit organization in northern Florida that promotes the protection, preservation, and restoration of the habitats of birds and other wildlife through education, stewardship, and science-based advocacy. In my graphic design 3 class, I was assigned to create 5 conceptual posters for the chosen non-profit. I felt like this organization fit the topics that I wanted to work with, and these 5 posters below are the result.
Made on: Clip Studio Pro and Illustrator

This is the very first poster I made and the one that took the longest. I honestly believe that the amount of time I took helped me develop my concept and goals for all 5 posters. I wanted the bird or birds to stand out while having their environment in the background. To accomplish this, I decided to make each background based on one color, while in all the 5 posters, the birds are a complete white silhouette. I also decided to give each poster a word to represent it, this one being "CARE."

This is the second poster out of the 5 and I wanted to base it off the organization's goal to find and take care of nests of eagles. So in this case, I wanted to generalize it towards anyone being able to find birds they didn't know or have seen before. So "EXPLORE" the world around you! I think its important to and its nice heading outside sometimes.

This is the third poster out of the 5 and there's this program that St. Johns Regional Audubon partakes in called Lights Out. It helps buildings reduce the light it gives off during a certain time at night/morning that birds travel through, especially during migration season. The city lights affect birds negatively, confusing them and leading to collisions. So with this poster, I wanted to show that birds can fly safely without worrying about the hazards that cities bring to them.

This is the fourth poster of the 5 and I wanted to show the importance to grow native plants in our own homes. Not only would this help bring more plants but also gives birds food and shelter. The organization has a series about native plants and offer plants as well so I thought this would be a good idea towards their goal.

This was the final poster I made and I made it with the word "LEARN" in mind. St. Johns Regional Audubon wants to help everyone, regardless of age, to learn more about birds and get involved, whether its volunteering, going to programs, field trips, etc. I thought about their logo that has a woodpecker and chose to include it. I made this poster more simpler and made it look like it goes far to show the endless possibilities to learn something new in our wonderful world.