The Unshakable Connection explores the ways that people can connect to the natural world by emphasizing the benefits it brings to our physical, mental, and cognitive well-being. This project depicts people enjoying their daily activities whole in essence of being while living among today's technological advancements. 

     I have always found our environment to be something very important, especially the fact that we live in it and it should be cared for. I also think that since technology is advancing rapidly, it gets easier to get lost into our screens and not get involved with our environment. For this reason, I decided to make this topic my thesis.

     In order to achieve this, I created 9 illustrations, all that connect to each other to make a bigger illustration. 

The Unshakable Connection, 2024, Doral Contemporary Art Museum - DORCAM

These are the 9 illustrations created through procreate, the bigger ones are 12x12 inches and the smaller ones are 8x8 inches. 

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